100% pure Raw Beeswax from hives at Elmswood Farm
The beeswax I’ve been melting for this gift is only from the honey frames or lids. Not from the brood box where the Queen lays her eggs. (I use that wax for candles.)
The colours of wax vary from hive to hive and season to season.
There are many opportunities to collect wax:
- When removing the wax cappings to extract the honey
- Sometimes a frame is damaged and needs to be melted to start again
- Wax can build up in a lid and needs to be removed
I melt the wax in small batches and strain it through muslin into the moulds. Occasionally pollen may be present in the wax.
Bees Wax can be used for many different things…. Mixed with oils for polishing, candles, soaps, cosmetics and of course food wraps.
Tips for handling and storage
- If you get into wax wraps I suggest buying a food grater just for wax.
- Never put waxy things in your dishwasher.
- Keep any leftover shavings or wax drippings for firelighters for your BBQ’s or campfires.
- Keep your wax in an air tight container preferably in the fridge or freezer.
- The dreaded Wax Moth is always around and can spoil it. But if this happens, you can re melt the wax.
- NB: NEVER put wax in the microwave or oven. It is highly flammable.